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Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights for BeHome Nursing Clients

BeHome Nursing Bill of Rights

Your Entitlements and Responsibilities for Exceptional Home Care Services

BeHome Nursing acknowledges the entitlement of home care clients to receive high-quality care and upholds the following rights for such clients:

  1. The right to know the identity of the individual overseeing their care and how to contact them.
  2. The right to have personal property treated with dignity and respect.
  3. The right to express concerns or complaints about any aspect of care, including the treatment of property, without fear of discrimination or reprisal.
  4. The right to have any complaints thoroughly investigated by the organization, with documented records of the complaint's existence and resolution when appropriate.
  5. The right to receive advance information about the Care Plan, including the frequency of visits and specific service limitations.
  6. The right to be informed of any Care Plan changes.
  7. The right to participate in planning care, making changes to the Caring Plan, and receiving written directives before or during the first client visit.
  8. The right to maintain the confidentiality of clinical records by the organization.
  9. The right to be informed about the organization's policies and procedures regarding the disclosure of clinical records.
  10. The right to receive oral and written information, before care initiation, about payment arrangements, charges covered by another provider, charges not covered, and the individual's financial responsibilities.
  11. The right to receive written notification of any changes in payment information within 30 days of the organization's awareness.
  12. The right to be referred to another home care company if satisfaction is not achieved or if the current company cannot meet the client's needs.
  13. The right to know the owners or Franchise Partner(s) of the organization.
  14. The right to receive care without discrimination based on race, creed, color, age, sex, national origin, or handicap.
  15. The right to exercise client rights in home care.
  16. The right to be free from mistreatment, neglect, verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse, including injuries of unknown source.
  17. The right to information about covered services.
  18. The right to refuse care or treatment.
  19. The right to choose the attending physician.
  20. If incompetent, the right for the appointed person to exercise their rights on their behalf.
  21. The right to be informed, before care initiation, about the option to voice a complaint or lodge a complaint regarding the implementation of advance directives.

The responsibility of the Client includes:

  1. Treat Staff with Respect:
    • Interact with BeHome Nursing staff and service providers with courtesy and respect.
    • Ensure a respectful environment free from discrimination, harassment, and acts of violence (e.g., yelling, name-calling, or threats).
    • Discrimination that violates an employee’s rights and safety will not be tolerated.
  2. Provide a Safe Working Environment:
    • Maintain a smoke- and vape-free environment during visits.
    • Secure pets to ensure the safety of staff.
    • Keep walkways to your home well-lit and clear of ice and snow.
    • Secure all illegal and potentially harmful materials, including weapons.
  3. Participate in Your Care:
    • Actively engage in developing your service plan.
    • Keep your BeHome Nursing informed of any changes to your health status or support system.
  4. Be Available and Prepared:
    • Be ready to receive scheduled services.
    • Notify BeHome Nursing if you are unavailable to receive services.
  5. Update Contact Information:
    • Inform BeHome Nursing of any changes to your contact details or treatment address.
  6. Collaborate to Address Concerns:
    • Work together with BeHome Nursing management to identify and resolve any concerns related to your care.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us from our Contact Page.